My best friend Felicia and her husband John came to visit me last week. It was an extremely hot day to be walking around but we still had a great time. We first went to NCSU and walked around campus. I showed them the education building and of course stopped in to get some books while I was there. We then went and ate at an Italian restaurant where they had a special for 2 slices of pizza and a drink for $3.75. I had to add banana peppers to mine so it was a little more than that, but how can you resist a pizza with banana peppers. The pizza was very good but I'm still waiting to find a restaurant as good as Little Italy in NYC. After walking around campus we went downtown to site see. Our first stop was...a parking spot. You would think there would be plenty of parking near the State Capital but there wasn't! However, after driving in circles we found a pay by the hour parking lot. The Capital building was under construction so we only got to see two floors but it did bring back memories from 8th grade.

After visiting the Capital building we went to the NC History museum. I had forgot I had even been before until I got in there and saw the penny making machine. It's funny what things bring back memories. The best exhibit in the museum was a Civil War exhibit.

Once we were finished site seeing we went for some ice cream. John got a Captain American Slushie while Felicia and I stuck with simple ice cream. It couldn't have tasted better after the scorcher we had walked around in. Finally, we ended the day by laying in the pool. Not my apartment pool because it was closed for cleaning, but nevertheless, we found a pool and enjoyed relaxing for a while! I'm so thankful to have such great friends who would drive so far to come visit me.